Bea Winkler
The german painter Bea Winkler (Hamburg) studied painting and graphic with Prof. Erwin Gross and was master student at the State Academy for Art in Karlsruhe (GER).
Bea Winkler lives and works in Hamburg (GER). She studied Painting and graphic studies with professor Erwin Gross (1997-2003) and was a master student at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe (2002-2003).
Bea Winkler creates canvas paintings, wall paintings and installations. She collects material, pattern and colour impressions, which she later uses for her art works.
Participation in solo and group shows since 2001.
Bea Winkler on Facebook
exhibitions (selection)
- 2017 Topsy-Turvy, Bedürfnisanstalt, Hamburg
- 2015 Knotenpunkt-Festival, Affenfaust, Hamburg | Wandmalerei bei Heinz Kramer, Hamburg
- 2012 Dark and Radiant Corners, Einzelausstellung, Linda, Hamburg
- 2012 Odd Patterns, Einzelausstellung, Galerie Kramer Fine Art, Hamburg
- 2011 Labskaus, Gruppenausstellung mit KünstlerInnen aus Hamburg, Berlin und Luxemburg, Kunsthaus Speckstraße, Hamburg
- 2009 fragile construction of budenzauber, Einzelausstellung, Hinterconti, Hamburg
- 2008 frozen -> super fast…, Einzelausstellung, SKAM, Hamburg