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Ukrainian Filmdays NRW: A Picture to Remember

27.06.2024 19:00 – 21:00

We are showing A picture to Remember (2023), by Ukrainian director Olga Chernykh as part of the Ukrainian Filmdays NRW

We are showing the documentary A picture to Remember (2023), by Ukrainian director Olga Chernykh, who wrote the script for the film herself.


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Trailer: A Picture to Remember by Olga Chernykh

A picture to Remember (2023)
Actors: Zoryna Dyadyk, Olga Chernykh, Olena Dyadyk
Runtime: 72 Min.
Language: Ukrainian
Version: Original with german subtitles

A Picture to Remember is an essayistic account of a family’s long journey through war. The film tells the story of three generations of women — Grandmother, Mother, Daughter (Director Olga Chernykh) — that try to deal and live with their past and present recurring losses. — It is a moving exploration of identity, legacy and the power of telling stories that hold us together in times of great changes.

The Documentary was the opening film for the International Film Festival Amsterdam in 2023.

From May to June 2024, 15 cities in North Rhine-Westphalia host the Ukrainian Filmdays NRW , this year for the second time. The Filmdays are organised by the Blue-Yellow Cross in Cooperation with the Consulate General of the Ukraine Dusseldorf. The Cities hosting this year are: Aachen, Bielefeld, Bonn, Cologne, Dortmund, Duisburg, Duesseldorf, Erftstadt, Essen, Gevelsberg, Heinsberg, Krefeld, Leverkusen, Troisdorf and Wuppertal.
