- “DAS ESSZIMMER goes” applies to all exhibition projects that are taking place outside the exhibition space in Bonn/GER.
Photobastei Zurich
DAS ESSZIMMER – space for art+ is featuring Mariann Landolt (Zurich(CH), Dorothee von Rechenberg (Basel/CH) and Sibylle Feucht (Bonn/GER) at Photobastei (16.1. – 31.8. 2014) in Zurich (CH).
Mariann Landolt’s series Bastei-Bagatellen (34 pieces, fine art pigment print, 2014) shows traces and in-between situations she visually collected in situ at Hochaus zur Bastei between 31 January and 28 February.
Dorothee von Rechenberg is showing her work Seestück (fine art pigment print, 2014) as well as the series scenes and recut (fine art pigment print, 2009-2011), both series shifting between the narrative principals of photography and film.
Sibylle Feucht’s series Aesthetics of Security (fine art pigment print, 2013) and Billboards – Windows to the World (fine art pigment print, 2012-2014) focus on the interaction of society and built structures.
The Photobastei regards itself as a temporary experimental ground for tomorrow´s photographic presentation. During eight months the architectural icon zur Bastei transforms into a temporary space for contemporary photography.