Exhibitions All past, current and upcoming exhibitions of DAS ESSZIMMER – space for art+ Current 060 stöckerselig (Basel/CH)Anna Rudolf (Amsterdam/NL) Post Future / Nach der Zukunft 03.01.2025 – 28.02.2025 The invited artists reflect on life after the future and invite us to readjust our perception. Past 059 Rymdprogrammet: Refectorium 04.10.2024 – 20.12.2024 At the heart of “Rymdprogrammet” (The Space Program) is experimentation with diverse forms of expression and themes that enable synergies between the invited artists. Past 058 Kiera O’Toole (Sligo/IRL)Felicity Clear (Dublin/IRL)Mary-Ruth Walsh (Dublin/IRL) Condition, Matter, Affect: ATMOSPHERES II 22.08.2024 – 27.09.2024 In Condition, Matter, Affect: ATMOSPHERES II the artists explore the effects and conditions of atmospheres and how they influence and permeate consciousness, through drawings and installation. Past 057 I don`t know how to love you teach me to love 31.05.2024 – 29.06.2024 Group exhibition with works by 6 artists from Hong Kong: Ailsa Wong, Jennifer Poon, Jessie Cheuk Lam Tam, Lau Man Pan, Man Wai Se and Rose Li Past 056 Materialities 03.05.2024 – 30.05.2024 The group show “materialities” assembles the artists Julien Boily, Cindy Dumais, Amélie Laurence Fortin, Vincent Hinse and Mathieu Valade from the canadian artistgroup AMV (Art / Mobilité / Visibilité) Past 055 enclosed space 05.04.2024 – 27.04.2024 The group show ”enclosed space” assembles the artists Kirstin Arndt/Cologne, Claudia Larissa Artz/Cologne, Wolfgang Flad/Berlin, Stefanie Klingemann/Cologne, Robin Merkisch/Düsseldorf, Kai Richter/Düsseldorf and Ariadni Vitastali/Greece Past 054 Gianin Conrad (Trun/SUI)Quirina Lechmann (Disentis / SUI) bedingt physisch | Gianin Conrad 10.02.2024 – 22.03.2024 The solo show “bedingt physisch” (engl.: somewhat physical) moves between thing and performance. Gianin Conrad and Quirina Lechmann (performance) each create site-specific situations between physical sculpture and ephemeral performance. 123…13Next »