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Vernissage in der PASSAGE | Doris Schmid + Eunice Martins

  • „DAS ESSZIMMER goes“ bezeichnet Ausstellungsformate, die nicht im Austellungsraum in Bonn statt finden.

11.12.2021 17:00 – 19:00

Vernissage der Videoinstallation „It´s all a dream“ der Künstlerinnen Doris Schmid/Berlin und Eunice Martins/Berlin in der (Kaiser)PASSAGE Bonn/DE.

It’s all a dream

(by Doris Schmid & Eunice Martins)

Image or picture…. those structures in time.
Structure(s) which are given visibility or apprehension, or form, in time.
A time which is moving – an image which is moving – a moving image. And this morphing might give one pause to consider: Which image (flow) shall one step into?

This image or that image? This filmic touch, or that painterly duration? This time or, (yes) this time? This dream, or this dream?

In a dream, when and where does one become aware, that an image ( a slew of images) is making itself felt, present, recognizable? When does a dream start? Where does this image/sound or image/silence, start?

Why ask ‚when and where‘? If at all answerable – or if it can actually be asked at the time the image(s) arise – then this orientation would allow one to consider the proposition first offered by Das Esszimmer, on seeing It’s all a dream. ‚Was ist wenn man ein Bild betreten könnte?‘. And what of the ‚where‘? Where, might this image/sound, image/silence start, occur or be sensed?

And like in a dream, shifting senses of the ‚when‘ and the ‚where‘ keep oscillating. There is a flickering (in time?) which takes the dreamer in and out of movement and nothingness – oscillating like a filmic, or cinematic touch.

And looking (listening) in these ways – could be its own dreaming…..a kind of dreaming of…. It’s all a dream. In this act of sensing, one might begin to ask – not which image shall one step into but – which dreamed and dreaming images shall one attempt to be attentive to? From which images might one remember to move across, into a dreaming of It’s all a dream (by Schmid & Martins)?

@Mark Themann (Melbourne 2021)

Die Videoinstallation It`s all a dream der Künstlerinnen Doris Schmid und Eunice Martins nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise in Bilder hinein. – Zeichnungen und Malereien werden verräumlicht, und wir bewegen uns darin, durchdringen den äußeren Schein und entziffern die Oberfläche von innen.

It`s all a dream erforscht visuelle und klangliche Prozesse von Wahrnehmungsverschiebungen, Verwandlung und Standortwechsel.

Die Videoinstallation ist bis zum 30.12.2021 in der Kaiserpassage zu sehen.

Wir danken dem Programm NEUSTART Kultur und der Stiftung Kunstfonds, die das Projekt PASSAGE unterstützen.
