live stream | presentation of exhibition publication
Stephan Wittmer presents the exhibition publication “110_in effigie_Titel für alles Mögliche”, published in his magazine project _957 I.A.M, together with the artist Matthias Aeberli.
For the exhibition publication by Matthias Aeberli as part of the exhibition If paintings were live pets, would you buy them more readily? oder Bilderlügen haben lange Beine collaborated das ESSZIMMER with the independent art magazine _957 from lucerne (CH) , founded and managed by the artist Stephan Wittmer.
The exhibition publication with the title 110_in effigie_Titel für alles Mögliche will be preented by Matthias Aeberli and Stephan Wittmer on Thrusday, 3.12.2020 at 7 pm via livestream from Lucerne.
about Stephan Wittmer

* 1957 Erlinsbach (CH), lives and works in Lucerne (CH)
Stephan Wittmer studied at the School for Design SfG in Lucerne. Since his diplome (1982) he has worked as a freelance artist and as a mediator of unusua art projects. Stay at the Cité internationale des Arts in Paris.
In 1991 he received a Swiss Federal Art Scholarship for his photographic installations. Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad. Co-founder of the Lucerne Art gallery (1990). Founding partner and director of the PZK plattform for contemporary art GmbH (1999, now SPAMAM GmbH). Foundig of the documentation centre diebasis, which is now housed in the Kunsthalle Lucerne.
From 2001 until the end of 2007 Stephan Wittmer was the head curator of the Kunstpanorama Lucerne. Since 2003 he has been teaching Design & Art at the Lucerne University of Applied sciences and Arts in the Art & Mediation course.
Research work RiK.directing in complicity – experiences and perspectives of artistic mediation. Member of the artist group S16. In 2009 he successfully completed the CAS Leadership at the Lucerne School of Business and the Institute for Applied Psychology Zurich. 2000 Founding member of the Alpineum producers’ gallery. Under the name SPAMAM, Stephan Wittmer (S) also worked with his family in the artists’ collective.
Since 2012 he has been the editor of _957 an independent art magazine that appears monthly. More than 100 issues have been published to date. Initiation and management of the museum on the bulding wasteland 837 on the periphery of the city. Stephan Wittmer is an artist member of the B74 Raum für Kunst in Lucerne.
Wir danken Basel Stadt, Basel Landschaft, der Stiftung Kunst der Sparkasse in Bonn und der Stadt Bonn, die das Projekt unterstützen.