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DAS ESSZIMMER – Space for art+ takes over for the second time the Weltraum during Art Basel. 39 national and international artists invited their current artistic favourites to the pop-up gallery Weltraum during Art Basel 2017.

In the second edition of the 2016 successfully launched art event the invited artists from 2016 become artist-curators and present 38 international artists, curating the Weltraum on the basis of and as a reaction and reflection on their own work and their very own perception of art. Parallel to Art Basel, the Weltraum becomes a platform for exchange, discussion, networking and encounter apart from the familiar paths and rituals of art for everybody – including possible Art-Shopping!

The works of the invited artists are not following a special theme but represent their current production – creating together a temporary Gesamtkunstwerk on 16 square meters.


Wednesday, 14th June 2017

  • from 9 pm – Open End: Opening Party with Raclette
  • from 10:30 pm: Lisbon Trilogy | Part I – Large scale outdoor projection at the Weltraum by Area Composer (Peter Hölscher und Ronald Gaube)

Thursday, 15th June 2017

  • from 7 pm – midnight: Bar, Food, Video and Art
  • 8 pm: Susann Wintsch and Linda Herzog talk about their current cooperation projects with Turkish artists
  • from 10:30 pm: Lisbon Trilogy | Part II – Large scale outdoor projection at the Weltraum by Area Composer (Peter Hölscher und Ronald Gaube)

Friday, 16th June 2017

  • from 7 pm – midnight | Bar, Food, Video and Art
  • from 10:30 pm: Lisbon Trilogy | Part III – Large scale outdoor projection at the Weltraum by Area Composer (Peter Hölscher und Ronald Gaube)

Material for the exhibition


Katarzyna Badach (Havanna/Berlin) | Kathrin Borer (Basel) | Rainer Barzen (Cologne) | Felix Baudenbacher (London) | Christoph Bucher (Düsseldorf) | Copa&Sordes (Basel) | Eric Cruikshank (Edinburgh) | Christoph Dahlhausen (Bonn) |  Petra Egg (Wien) | Marianne Eigenheer (Basel/London) | Sibylle Feucht (Bonn) | Corsin Fontana (Basel) | Franziska Furter (Basel) | Anja Ganster (Basel) | Magdalena Gerber (Genf) | Mireille Gros (Basel) | Marianne Halter und Mario Marchisella (beide Zürich) | Haus am Gern (Biel) | Rut Himmelsbach (Basel) |  Camenisch/Vetsch (Basel) | Celina Jure (BuenosAires) | Jan Kiefer (Basel) | Reto Leibundgut (Basel) | Lenzlinger/Steiner (Langenbruck) | Wenfeng Liao (Berlin) | Aldo Mozzini (Zürich) | Alfredo Ramos (Havanna/Berlin) | Monika Rechsteiner (Berlin) | Ingrid Roscheck (Cologne) | Susanne Schär & Peter Spillmann (Basel) | Doris Schmid und Stella Veloce (both Berlin) | stöckerselig (Basel) | Dorothee von Rechenberg (Basel) | Selma Weber (Basel) | Bignia Wehrli (Berlin) |  Maria Magdalena Z’Graggen (Basel)

Location: Auf dem Wolf 13, Basel (CH) Where to find the Weltraum

Selfie Christine Camenisch and Johannes Vetsch

Camenisch / Vetsch


The artist duo has been working together since 2010. In their mostly site-specific and expansive video installations, they repeatedly question our viewing and perception habits.

schwarz weißes porträt der Künstlerin Celina Jure

Celina Jure

Buenos Aires/ARG

Argentinian artist Celina Jure was born 1963, he lives and works in Buenos Aires, Jujuy and Dusseldorf (GER).

work by a swiss artist Christoph Bucher

Christoph Bucher


The Swiss artist studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy with Alfonso Hüppi and Helmut Federle. Transparency, layering and compression appear again and again in his work. After years of monochrome, he has returned to color.

photo of the artist Christoph Dahlhausen with one of his works in background

Christoph Dahlhausen

Bonn/DE + Melbourne/AUS

Christoph Dahlhausen born in 1960, has been an assistant professor at the School of Art in RMIT University Melbourne/AUS since 2013. His works follow light in abstraction.

Copa & Sordes


The artist duo Copa & Sordes (Birgit Krueger & Eric Schmutz Krueger) have been working together since 1995. Central topics are the interfaces between art and everyday culture.

Doris Schmid


Doris Schmid is a visual artist working in the fields of video, installations and photography. The Swiss artist has already realised numerous international projects and exhibitions.

Die Künstlerin Dorothee von Rechenberg im Innenhof des Ausstellungsraumes das ESSZIMMER

Dorothee von Rechenberg


Dorothee von Rechenberg born in Horb / N (GER) in 1947, has lived and worked in Basel (CH) since 1989. She mainly works with photography.

the artist Eric Cruikshank is sitting on the floor in the Esszimmer and preparing his works for the solo exhibition

Eric Cruikshank


The British painter Eric Cruikshank studied at the Edinburgh College of Art. His painting seems to have lost all materiality and to consist only of color and light.

Artist Felix Baudenbacher and work in the background

Felix Baudenbacher


The Swiss artist has lived at the Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design in London since studying. For several years he has been working exclusively with the color Bau Pink, which he developed.

photo of the artist Ingrid Roscheck

Ingrid Roscheck


Born in Oberhausen, lives and works in Cologne. Since 2015 artistic-scientific assistant at the University of Cologne / GER. Their work is often reminiscent of modern chambers of curiosities (Wunderkammern).

Katarzyna Badach black and white photo

Katarzyna Badach

Berlin/GER + Havanna/CUB

Katarzyna Badach is a polish artist who lives in and works in Berlin. Her large format art works deal with the representation of urban space.

Magdalena Gerber


Swiss artist Magdalena Gerber (Langenau/Emmental, CH) works primarily with ceramics and porcelaine, which she adapts for current times.

A portrait photo of the Swiss artist Maria Magdalena Z’Graggen

Maria Magdalena Z`Graggen


Maria Magdalena Z’Graggen is a Swiss painter. She studied at the Cooper Union School of Art in New York (USA) and at the University of Art, Basel (CH).

Marianne Eigenheer

Basel/CH + London/UK

Marianne Eigenheer was a Swiss artist who preferred to work with gestural and free line drawings.

black and white photo, artist Marianne Halter exhibition view with diagonally placed box in the room, corner wall, wall drawing

Marianne Halter


The Swiss artist Marianne Halter is represented internationally in solo and group exhibitions with her work repeatedly issues of spaces and their corporate and social functions.

Monika Rechsteiner

Basel/CH + Berlin/GER

A Swiss Artist Monika Rechsteiner lives and works in Basel und Berlin. Central issues in her videos and installations is the urban space and its perception.

portrait picture of the artist Petra Egg

Petra Egg


Petra Egg was born in St. Johann/Tyrol (A) and studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where she currently lives and works.

The artist Rainer Barzen at the opening of his exhibition

Rainer Barzen

Cologne / GER

In addition to painting, the focus is always on the object, the sculpture, for the artist Rainer Barzen, who lives and teaches in Cologne, who studied at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf and received numerous awards.

black and white portrait of the artist Selma Weber

Selma Weber


Swiss artist Selma Weber studied in Basel, where she also lives and works now. She works with painting, installation, film and photo art.

The artist Sibylle Feucht in the background a work with a face

Sibylle Feucht


The Swiss artist Sibylle Feucht, *in Kaufbeuren (DE), lives and works since 2010 in Bonn (DE), previously in Basel (CH), conceptual approach to work with different media such as photography, video installation and fused plastic beads.



The Swiss artist couple Annette Stöcker and Christian Selig have been working together as stoeckerselig since 1987. Her multi-layered work moves between (video) installations, objects and large-format drawings.