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15.01.2016 – 04.03.2016

The artist Christine de la Garenna (Berlin) is working with perception and the warping of perception. Through distorting the viewer’s perception of reality, she asks just how real reality is after all.

Christine de la Garenne’s video works are mainly site-specific Installations. In her works she questions subjects like Reality, Projections and Representation by not only testing their borders but also perforating them (Cédric Aurelle, curator and art critic, 2007).

Starting point for her solo show blindspotting is the photographic installation Lost and Found. Their Material derives from a vast image-collection of lost, forgotten or discarded items, which Christine de la Garenne encountered in everyday life or on her many trips. These research trips to the lapidary traces of human presence, how Garenne calls it, she has been undertaken since 2002. The provenances of these found images are mostly localized on peripheries where the urban starts to mix with nature and the city-borders become fuzzy, like the flat shrimp, which remained on the pavement far from the sea. The work Lost and Found directs our view onto objects we are surrounded by so that they are not perished in the busy breathlessness of our daily routine.

By means of staging found objects, Christine de la Garenne challenges the (seemingly) visible and the obscure behind in the installation Black Mirror (2016), which she designed particularly for this exhibition at DAS ESSZIMMER. Using reflections, flashbacks and inversions an ambiguity is created, which questions the known. The video work Aeon (2011) enlarges the created space of illusion and reality, truth or lie, fiction or realness with the dimension of time. The irreversible and steady direction of time experiences a confusing dispersal in Aeon.


During the exhibition blindspotting the Austrian artist couple Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond (Vienna) present on Saturday January 16, 2016 their film and discussion series HASENHERZ that is inspired by Arnold Schönberg’s Verein für musikalische Privataufführung (engl.: Society for private musical Performance), 1918-1921. Their guest for the ESSZIMMER-edition will be Christine de la Garenne.

Materials for the exhibition

  • Logo der Videonale

This event was made possible through a cooperation with Videonale Bonn / Elektronenströme
