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22.11.2018 – 13.01.2019

The group show “Chosen from the Collectors‘ List” is a collaboration with Dagmar Weste (Young Collectors).

DAS ESSZIMMER and Dagmar Weste of youngcollectors have been in friendly exchanges for many years, which over the last few years has repeatedly led to various cooperation projects. – We are all the more pleased that on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of youngcollectors, we were able to win Dagmar Weste for a curatorial cooperation with DAS ESSZIMMER. The current additions to youngcollectors Edition are presented as well as selected unique pieces by artists, who can be found in the Editions program.

Partly parallel to the exhibition Chosen from the Collectors’ List the 3-part outdoor light installation Stabilizing Light Bonn by Christoph Dahlhausen will bring some light into the dark season.

participating artists

