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Finissage + Artist Talk | Gianin Conrad

22.03.2024 19:00 – 20:00

At the finissage, the Frankfurt fashion designer Leonid, from the label “Leonid&Matthias”, will be in conversation with Gianin Conrad and touch on topics of collaboration and artistic strategies for resilience.

The Frankfurt fashion designer Leonid, from Leonid&Matthias, will hold the artist talk with Gianin Conrad at the end of his exhibition bedingt physisch.

The title of the exhibition bedingt physisch (engl.: somewhat physical) refers to the metaphysical, temporary space between things, between people, between thing and performance. – Artistically and musically, Gianin Conrad and Quirina Lechmann pose the question of the ephemeral but formative nature of a thing, an activity. – Something they are also pursuing with the exhibition space Scala Trun. Conrad and Lechmann jointly organize the non-profit exhibition space Scala Trun, in the Bünder mountains, far away from supposed art centers. Their work is exemplary for all initiatives by artists providing basic cultural work outside of the large centers, creating new art spots where one would not initially expect them.



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Artist Talk with Gianin Conrad and Leonid Sladkevich
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